
Real Estate in Israel: Construction Permit Reform

10 July 2024
1 min read

The recent reform in Israel allows developers to obtain construction permits directly from the national planning authority, bypassing prolonged local committee delays. This law aims to significantly reduce wait times, currently up to three years, for obtaining a building permit. It applies to projects with 80 or more units, providing a new path to expedite construction processes.

Market Analysis and Tips for Buyers and Sellers

This reform addresses the criticism of unreasonable delays for obtaining building permits in Israel. Developers can now transfer their applications to the national authority after eight months without a response from local committees. For buyers, this reform could mean an increase in housing supply, potentially stabilizing prices. For sellers and developers, it reduces financial costs associated with delays and improves project planning.

Geopolitical Impacts and Challenges

Geopolitical tensions in Israel often impact the real estate market, creating uncertainties. However, the construction permit reform shows the government’s commitment to improving administrative efficiency despite these challenges. Developers must remain vigilant and flexible in response to rapidly changing political and security situations while taking advantage of the new opportunities presented by this reform.


The construction permit reform in Israel represents a significant advancement for the real estate sector, promising reduced delays and improved project profitability. Despite geopolitical challenges, this initiative could stabilize the market and offer new opportunities for investors. For a Western Jewish audience, this is a positive development to watch closely, promising benefits for both buyers and developers.

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