
The Importance of a Durable Power of Attorney

17 May 2023
1 min read

Legal Reform and Its Benefits

Since the reform in March 2016 in Israel, which amended the law on legal capacity and guardianship, citizens have been given a new tool: the durable power of attorney. This reform aims to give individuals maximum control over their future, even if they become unable to make decisions for themselves. It allows a person to designate in advance who will handle their affairs, whether financial, personal, or medical, thus preserving their dignity and will.

Benefits of Signing a Durable Power of Attorney

  1. Preservation of Autonomy: A durable power of attorney allows individuals to choose who will manage their affairs, ensuring autonomy and independence even in the event of incapacity.
  2. Ensuring Proper Care: By defining their wishes in advance, individuals ensure that their affairs are handled according to their values, particularly regarding medical treatments.
  3. Prevention of Legal Disputes: This step avoids unnecessary legal proceedings, saving time, money, and reducing stress for the family.
  4. Safeguarding Assets: A durable power of attorney ensures proper management of assets, even if the person can no longer do it themselves.
  5. Making Medical Decisions: It allows individuals to express their medical wishes in advance, thus avoiding family conflicts.
  6. Management of Personal Care: Individuals can determine who will care for them and where they will live, thus maintaining their quality of life.
  7. Financial Affairs Management: It ensures that finances, investments, and insurance are correctly managed according to the person’s directives.
  8. Management of Sentimental Assets: Memories and inheritances can be protected and passed on according to the person’s wishes.
  9. Maintaining Social Relationships: The power of attorney designates who will contact and inform family and friends, thus preserving social ties.
  10. Privacy Protection: It determines who will manage personal information, thus protecting confidentiality.

Taking Control of Your Future

The durable power of attorney is a powerful tool to ensure that your decisions and wishes are respected. It ensures that you retain control over your life, even if you lose decision-making capacity. Attorney Sagit Keenan, authorized by the Ministry of Justice, is available to answer your questions and help you establish a durable power of attorney tailored to your specific needs.

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